Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Prompt #1

Blog Prompt #1: Imagine a world without photographs. Describe what this world would be like.

A world without photography would be nothing like our world today. Photographs are used for so many things. We learn through photographs, about places that we can't visit and things we can't see. We know so much about animals, plants, people and places around the world because of photographs. Photographs also give us knowledge of current and past events that have happened. Personally, I rely on photographs to see what is going on in the fashion industry. I can see Fashion Week shows from around the world that I cannot attend and see what is going on in the business in general. Furthermore, we get enjoyment out of photographs. They are artwork and memories. Professionals take them to inspire and move us and share with us things we may not see. Everyone takes photographs for our enjoyment and for memories. If we didn't have photographs people would be less educated and informed about both current and past events. So much of the art world would be missing. The creation of photography is an advancement that is hard to image not having.

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