Thursday, April 21, 2011

In Class Activity 4/21/11




Verb: Pinch

Noun: Curiosity

Adjective: Beat-up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Assignment 5: Works in Progress Critique

Blog Prompt #25

Jacqueline Reis's images are all very interesting. Her combination of images is very smart. Some of them have the same color scheme, which help them fit together well, but even the ones that don't have the same color scheme all work together very well. I find them all very interesting.
Ljubodrag Andric also had very interesting images. I love the coloring in all of them. I also really like that they have simple settings, but are still very interesting to look at. With these photos, I really wonder what the series is about, and what he was thinking about when he created them.
John Sullivan's image is one that I would include because it is so abstract. I love that you don't know exactly what you are looking at. I feel like it's a piece that people would look at for a very long time and be able to have a conversation about. I really think it's important to have photography like that and I really think it would add to a collection.
Joy Olsen Surbey's images are simple, but absolutely beautiful. I especially love the color in the first photo. I like that, like John Sullivan's image, it isn't clear at first what it is, but it is still very interesting.
Sean Kernan's series is another that I find very interesting. With this series, I love that you know there is a story behind the photos and whether you can relate or not, you can have an idea about what that story is.
Thomas Michael Alleman's photos all have framing that is very captivating. I think it's an essential part of these photos and what makes them so interesting. The black and white aspect also makes them very successful images.  
Larry C. Volk's images stand out to me because you know that they have such deep meaning to them. The collages go together so well, and can have a personal relation to everyone; they can remind people of something in their lives that is similar to the message of the collage.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Prompt #24

I could recreate images like these, but on a smaller scale, by using students designs in a studio to get a similar look. It would still be unique clothing and have a similar background.
I love this image. I think I could recreate it on a smaller scale by doing a smaller portion of it. Its very detailed and would take a lot of work, especially figuring out the lighting, but I think it is very possible. I could use my own make-up, mirror and sheets for the props.

B.  One of my ideas for my final project is to do different images with their own quote on them. They would be very similar to the ones Andy Warhol did, but instead of having photographs of myself repeated, I would take photos that were fitting to the quotes I choose to use. I would probably repeat his idea of making each photograph one color, varying the shades of that color. 
Another idea I have for my final project is to do a collage of East Lansing night life. It's certainly no New York, but East Lansing is a fun place and I think it could turn out very interesting. I would try to use unconventional framing with this, which I think would add a lot of interest. It also adds to the main concept, because when people go out for the night, sometimes they remember their nights in pieces, not as a whole.