- synthetic "place": For a synthetic place, I could take a photograph of a page in a Dr. Suess book. He creates magical worlds that do not exist, but have been created in movie sets.
- fantasy/fictitious envirnonment: For this, I would take a photograph of the area between the dirt and the top of plants, as if it was a world for things much smaller than us.
- placeless space - internet: For a placeless space, I would take a picture of multiple people engaged in their computers on the internet. While they could be physically in a cafe, they would mentally be so involved in the internet that it is like they were in a whole other world.
- public space: For a public space, I would take a picture in a public garden or park because that is a public space I personally enjoy, and there is no doubt it is public.
- private space: For a private space, I would take a picture of someone's workspace, that isn't typically shown off. An artist's workspace, for example. The art may be eventually shown, but the space they create it in is usually more private.
- in-between space - movement: For this idea, I think you could take a photograph of a moving train. The train itself is not only moving, but it is also moving people. People's destination isn't usually a train, but rather a train is getting them somewhere, hence it being an in-between space.